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Big Give Christmas Challenge 2022 It's the 2022 Big Give Christmas Challenge Week, where your donation will be matched to double the impact of your gift. We're sharing stories of the young people that your donations will support. Read on to find out how your donation will make all the difference this Christmas.

Sun-Gyu's Story

Sun-Gyu Meet Sun Gyu, 29. Sun-Gyu has the biggest smile as he visits Rose Road for the first time in nearly 3 years.

His devoted parents took the decision in early 2020 to shield at home together during the pandemic, as he lives with a collapsed left lung as well as cerebral palsy and a developmental delay, increasing his vulnerability to illnesses like COVID.  

Two Rose Road Support Workers maintained contact with the family and earlier in 2022 began to make home visits to carry out some care tasks at home and get to know Sun-Gyu and his family. This required them to receive training to carry out the physiotherapy, Oxygen management, epilepsy management and suction that Sun-Gyu needs daily.

Sun-Gyu’s Dad Gyulin says “They have taken a lot of time to understand Sun-Gyu’s needs and also understand our caution in starting to go out again, so we have a lot of confidence that they will put his needs first and make sure he is safe and happy at all times. This is a big step for us”. Staff continue to wear PPE when looking after Sun-Gyu - including masks - at the parents’ request as they start to bring him to the Bradbury Centre and take him out and about again.

Sun-Gyu outdoors His Support Worker Hayley says: “Sun-Gyu has had the biggest smile on his face each time he has visited the Bradbury Centre. He has enjoyed seeing other young people he knew before the pandemic; he giggles a lot and you can see it in his eyes.

His parents have been amazing at keeping up with his movement exercises and engaging with him at home, so he’s such a happy person. We will now continue the excellent care he’s received and help him feel at ease being back ‘out in the world’ after a long period of isolation.

His favourite game is to knock cushions off his wheelchair with his elbows and shake bell bands on his wrists, which is great physio too, so we have lots of fun together. We will start to take Sun-Gyu out to activities in the community slowly, so as not to overwhelm him and ensure his parents are happy too.

The extra training we’ve done is so important to keep Sun-Gyu safe and well. Currently only myself and one other staff member can support Sun-Gyu because of this, so we need to be able to train more staff so more young people like Sun-Gyu can be looked after at Rose Road.”

Our Big Give Christmas Challenge

Many of the young people we support shielded for long periods of time during the COVID pandemic, but we work to ensure our care is never one size fits all. We work with the young person’s individual needs and wishes of the family at all times to ensure every young person we look after feels safe, comfortable and happy.

The money you help us to raise during the Big Give Christmas Challenge will give our care teams greater capacity to spend time with each young person we support, and adapt our care as their needs change.

Please donate. Every donation made throughout the Big Give week will be doubled, making your contribution go twice as far this Christmas! Thank you.