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Make a Donation

We need to fundraise £1,500 every day to keep our doors open and services running. Please donate today.

Donating online:

Making a regular donation online is simple and one of the most powerful ways you can make an impact today and support a thriving, positive future for every young person we support and their family. Donate online here, where you can also make a one-off donation.

£5 a month could empower young disabled people by helping to fund skill-building and craft activities, parties and group lunches, music therapy and cooking sessions, and more.

£10 a month could support wellbeing by supporting our outreach teams to take young people for days out to their favourite places and activities.

£15 a month could support independence and belonging, by helping us advocate for better inclusivity and accessibility throughout our community.

£20 a month could help us be there for families in crisis by helping to fund emergency respite care when urgent support is needed.

Donate online here

Make an offline donation:

By phone: Call 023 8072 1234 to make a donation over the phone by card.
By cheque: Payable to 'Rose Road Association', 300 Aldermoor Road, Southampton, SO16 5NA.
If you are a taxpayer, download our Gift Aid declaration form here to accompany your offline donation to increase its value by 25%!

Online donation form: